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Rudraksha Bollywood Fusion Rap Rock Music Band in India
Rudraksha Fusion Rap Rock Band in India, Bollywood, Sufi, Bengali, Hindi and English Fusion Rap rock band formed in Kolkata, West Bengal, India in 1999. The group is considered one of the pioneering fusions Rock, Bengali, Hindi and English fusion Rap rock acts in Kolkata's Bengali, Hindi and English music scene, bollywood fusion band. Their music is flavored by a blend of blues, rock and Rap fusion rock along with fresh talented vocalist. Like most other bands, Rudraksha Band performs in three languages like Bengali, Hindi and English. After 2014 itâ??s considered as one of most popular band in Kolkata, West Bengal India. Regularly performs in overseas. has not yet received sufficient votes to qualify for Wondex's Music category, please Vote it Up!

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